Protect Your Family Rights With Experienced Family Law Attorneys
If you are in the midst of a divorce or family dispute, it is imperative that you hire the help of an experienced San Diego Family Law attorney. Family disputes and divorce cases can be complex, and you need the advice of an attorney who knows what he or she is doing. The attorneys at the KS Law Office of Renkin & Associates have spent decades perfecting their negotiation tactics and legal strategies. They will make sure that you protect what matters most.
Legal Custody
The family courts in San Diego have the power to order custody and visitation orders for children during divorce proceedings, paternity proceedings, and ex parte hearings. In these cases, both parents can request custody and visitation orders, but in some cases, a mother and father may have different wishes. If the mother and father are not married, the unmarried parent must file a paternity case to obtain custody and visitation orders.

Joint Legal Custody
If you are divorcing your spouse and want to retain your child, you may want to consider joint legal custody. This type of custody arrangement allows both parents to have custody of their child, but you will have to pay close attention to the rights and responsibilities of the other parent. You also need to be considerate of your child’s best interests, and make sure that you maintain a healthy relationship with him or her. In addition, San Diego courts consider your child’s age, the community that the child attends, and the children’s preference. In some cases, your child may even be able to have a voice in the decision.
Physical Custody
A divorce or separation can result in a decision regarding the custody and visitation of a child. The San Diego Family Court system can issue custody and visitation orders in divorce proceedings, paternity cases, and ex parte hearings. These proceedings are used to obtain custody and visitation orders during an extremely brief period of time. Unmarried parents must file for paternity cases to obtain custody and visitation orders, while married parents can use a divorce proceeding to get custody and visitation orders.
Supervised Visitation
In the San Diego Family Court, you can have someone monitor your child’s visits while you’re in court. Typically, this is a friend or family member. If you can’t afford to hire a professional, a nonprofessional provider may be a good alternative. But be sure to research their qualifications before deciding on one. A provider must be certified in the specific areas of child abuse, domestic violence, and sexual abuse before he or she can supervise your visitation.
Child Arrangement Orders
A child’s time spent with one parent is a very important factor in a custody case. Child support in San Diego is another factor that can be impacted by a custody arrangement. Both parents must work to maintain a good relationship with their children. Fortunately, the courts in San Diego are willing to give the child time with both parents if that’s in the best interest of the child.
Child Support
In California, you can get a court order for child support if you are a custodial parent. The terms of the order are determined by the court. Usually, child support is awarded to the parent who has primary custody of the children. Child support attorneys can play an important role in determining how much child support should be ordered. In some cases, your lawyer may be able to prove a hardship for you, resulting in lower child support payments. If you think you’re entitled to more money, you should get a consultation with a family law attorney today.
Legal Separation
A legal separation can be a good option for many couples. The process allows a couple to continue their lives apart, while allowing them to continue sharing benefits such as health insurance and life insurance. Depending on the circumstances, a legal separation may also be the foundation for a divorce agreement. However, if you want to make sure your separation is legal, you should contact a lawyer. This article will look at some of the pros and cons of this process.
If you are seeking an annulment, you should first file the proper paperwork with the court. There are several types of annulment forms available, and your attorney can help you decide which one to use. You should also be sure to have your attorney review the documents to ensure they are correct. Once all the paperwork is complete, you should go to the court to file your petition. Depending on where you live, you may also need to submit additional forms, including those for child support, visitation, and child custody. You should also pay any required fees.