How a Family Law Attorney Can Help During a Divorce
If you’re going through a divorce, or are involved in a family dispute, it is essential that you contact an experienced attorney. A divorce lawyer can help you navigate the complicated legal system and protect your rights. You may have a lot to lose, as well as a lot to gain. The KS Law Office of Renkin & Associates has years of experience crafting legal strategies and negotiation tactics to ensure the best outcome for each client. Contact us for more information about your legal options.
During the course of a divorce case, the DVRO can be a significant tool to protect your child. The court can issue a DVRO if the parties disagree about the child’s custody or visitation rights. Depending on the circumstances, a DVRO can be issued without a hearing. Moreover, an emergency DVRO can be issued with only one party’s allegations, requiring both parties to testify at a hearing within 21 days. Failure to abide by the terms of the DVRO may result in significant fines and even jail time.
Domestic violence restraining orders
If you have been the victim of abuse or domestic violence, a restraining order can help you keep the other party away from you. Restraining orders can be granted for a variety of reasons, including preventing the other party from contacting you, keeping you from visiting your children, and keeping them away from your house and vehicles. If the order is for child custody or visitation, you may be required to leave your home and remove your belongings.

Paternity determination
When you are wondering how to establish paternity, you may want to hire a San Diego family law attorney to help you navigate the process. Paternity determinations are common and involve a variety of issues – such as visitation, child custody, and child support. After the court assigns a judge, you will file a summons. The respondent will then have thirty days to file a response. If he or she fails to do so, the petitioner will file a Request for Default.
Move-Away requests
A move-away request is a legal procedure that requires the filing of a “request for order” with the family court in San Diego. The other parent is then served with a copy of the filed paperwork. If the other parent objects to the move, they must show that the move will harm the child or is motivated by “bad faith.” If this is the case, an evidentiary hearing is scheduled where both parents can tell their side of the story.
Presumption of parent
The Presumption of Parent in San Diego Family Law requires a presumed father to prove he is the legal parent of a child. This is a legal requirement for fathers who have never married and want to prove that they are the father of a child. California courts are generally pro-parental rights and often favor agreements that give both parents equal opportunity to raise a child. The Presumption of Parent in San Diego Family Law is a legal right that is not always enforceable, but it is still an option.
When the divorce process isn’t going to resolve the issues quickly, mediation may be a better choice. Mediation can be confidential and a trained mediator can help both parties reach an agreeable resolution. Unlike a judge, the mediator does not make decisions and helps parties explore their shared needs, interests, and priorities. Mediation is also less formal than a court trial, so it can be a good option for some cases.
Cost of a family law case
The cost of a family law case in San Diego County can vary widely. Most San Diego family law attorneys charge between $3,500 and $5,000 for their services, but it is possible to find a more affordable lawyer. Retainers are typically required upfront to secure an attorney’s services. They are often small payments of $3,500 or less, and are put into a trust account until the work is completed.